Yellow nails are rather frequent and are typically brought on by an illness or an adverse reaction to a product you’ve been using, such as nail polish. Rarely, yellow may be an indication of a more serious illness, such as thyroid disorders, psoriasis, or diabetes.

Black lines, which can also be brown or dark red, resemble splinters and are also referred to as splinter hemorrhages. They can show up repeatedly. The trauma to your nail, such as unintentionally shutting a door on your finger, is the most likely reason. Rarely, the lines may be a symptom of a deeper problem, such as psoriasis, endocarditis, or nail melanoma.

Leukonychia, or white spots on your nails, are often not harmful and are not cause for alarm. The most frequent reason for white patches on the nails is nail damage. White spots on the nails can also be a symptom of some medical disorders, such as anemia due to a lack of iron. If you have numerous huge, white patches on your nails, consult your doctor.

Don’t see the “half-moon” on your nail’s base? Well, commonly, this is meaningless, and they might simply be concealed behind your skin. However, if they appear to have vanished, this can indicate malnutrition, depression, and anemia.