
Humans and other primates have fingernails and toenails. Imagine your fingernails and toenails as mini barriers that keep your fingers and toes safe.
Fingernails serve vital functions in the body, and some may indicate why we have them. Whenever we grip or use our hands to perform other actions, it is mostly to protect our fingers and the tiny blood vessels within them. Additionally, it functions as an infection defense. The capacity to separate objects, such as book pages or hairs on your head, can be improved by using your fingernails. To pick up objects, one can also use their fingernails.
When compared to improving grip or the fine motor skills that the fingernails have, the toenail’s primary role is probably protection. Injury-prone areas on the toes include their tops. Toes are less prone to injury and infections because they have a protecting nail on top of them.
Additionally, the condition of your nails might be a sign of malnutrition, renal, liver, and other health issues.
So I hope that by now, you’ll realize why nails are important to us. Keeping it nice and clean says everything about you. Agree with this? Comment down your thoughts!

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