Problems with your nails consult a Podiatrist now

👣 Ingrown in toenails rather than fingernails occur more frequently. Common causes of an ingrown nail include plucking, ripping, or improper nail-cutting technique, which leaves a spike on the nail’s side that injures the soft tissue and causes pain and infection. Some drugs and medical problems can also cause ingrown toenails.
👣 A hit to the nail or forcing the finger or toe into a door or drawer can damage a fingernail or toenail. Blood under the nail is a common complication of this type of trauma and is known as a subungual hematoma. Accidental nail splitting, tearing, or splintering are other possible nail problems. Also, habits like cuticle/nail biting can harm the nails. Deformities in the nails can result from repeated damage to the toes from wearing improperly fitting shoes.
👣 Onycholysis is the separation of your nail from the nail bed. Although there are other potential causes, such as fungus, it frequently manifests after a nail injury or trauma. Cutting the damaged nail off as it grows out may be the only course of treatment, or you may also need to take antifungal medicine or discontinue using specific nail treatments.

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