Heard of these common myths regarding toenails? Read on to see it corrected!
Myth:Ingrowns are for adults only
Fact:Ingrowns may happen to all ages. It may be caused by sports, very tight shoes, and improper cutting of nails. So kids are in risk just like adults.
M:Ingrowns will disappear by itself
F:Without treatment, the ingrown nail will keep growing into the skin and hurt more. To prevent further discomfort, it must be thoroughly treated by a podiatrist.
M:Treatment of ingrown is very painful
F:Before the treatment, a numbing substance is administered to the toe and nail. The operation is quick and painless while cutting the nail.
M:Cutting nail edges will prevent ingrowns
F:Avoid doing that. An ingrown toenail may result from trimming the edges of toenails.
M:Ingrowns appear only at the big toe
F:Although an ingrown toenail most frequently affects the big toe, it can also happen to any other foot nail (or hands).
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