Our first appointment is for medical assessment: we will check your general health and medication, plus the blood flow and nerve sensation in your feet; we will examine your foot problems to confirm your diagnosis and offer you options such as: conventional / conservative treatment, medication and / or nail surgery.
At this assessment time we will:
The price for initial consultation is £100
If your toe problem is suitable for nail surgery, the procedure and requirements will be explained to you then available nail surgery with redressing dates will be offered. The appointment for the nail surgery is booked in the next suitable appointment. If unsuitable, we can provide conservative therapy to make you comfortable and provide health education and guidance for your future well-being.
If your toe is infected or significantly inflamed, a course of antibiotics will be need to be completed before nail surgery is performed; we can prescribe this at your assessment. Mild-medium inflammation and the accompanying pain, most often resolves with the surgery itself. An additional fee of £15 for medication will be charged.
The price of the nail surgery begins at £598 with the promotion of a free wound care pack, usually valued at £50.
If surgery is clinically advised and chosen by the patient, we will discuss the procedure and book the date. Please bear in mind, healing usually takes 4 to 6 weeks with a partial nail removal, and 6 to 8 weeks for total nail removal surgery, for the wound to close and a dry scab to form. However, it can take longer with certain health conditions present or if the toe is traumatised. In this time, avoid wearing tight fitting shoes which cause squeezing of the toes. Also avoid sports like running for 2 to 3 weeks, or activities such as football and swimming for 4 to 6 weeks.
On the day of surgery, please eat as you would normally, as eating will not interfere with the local anaesthetic. It is important that you do not have any other anaesthetic, local or general, in the 24 hours before the surgery. Please continue to take your prescribed medication (unless otherwise instructed after the initial assessment).
To ensure it is safe to operate, we will discuss and confirm certain facts critical to the procedure, I.e your general well-being and lifestyle, your weight (for anaesthesia safety purposes) and your previous exposure to certain medications. We will also revise the procedure process and explain the risks again, before obtaining your written consent.
The surgery entails:
On the day of surgery, please eat as you would normally, as eating will not interfere with the local anaesthetic. It is important that you do not have any other anaesthetic, local or general, in the 24 hours before the surgery. Please continue to take your prescribed medication (unless otherwise instructed after the initial assessment).
To ensure it is safe to operate, we will discuss and confirm certain facts critical to the procedure, I.e your general well-being and lifestyle, your weight (for anaesthesia safety purposes) and your previous exposure to certain medications. We will also revise the procedure process and explain the risks again, before obtaining your written consent.
The surgery entails:
At all times monitor your toe and wound for signs of infection, such as:
This is fairly rare, but when patients do report it, the anecdotal time frame is week 2 to 3; hence our follow up for this time. If caught early enough, antibiotics can be avoided. Do not hesitate to contact us for any worries.
If you have an active job, you may need to take a few days off work to rest the affected toe(s). We recommend that you wear open toe shoes until the first redressing appointment.
Please be aware that these may not comply with any Health & Safety requirements at your place of employment so it may be wise to ask for time off or request a temporary change in role.
For children, we recommend they do not return to school until after the follow-up appointment when the toe is re-dressed (typically after about 3 days). If necessary the surgery can be arranged to avoid clashes with other commitments, for example, exam time or holidays.
Important note: Driving when your toe is anaesthetised may make you unfit to drive and/or invalidate your insurance.
Allergies are extremely rare in podiatric nail surgery, but there are times people can be severely allergic (anaphylaxis) to the local anaesthetic. In this case we keep an anaphylactic kit and have emergency procedures and diagnostic tools; if you were to require such care, we would also call an emergency ambulance as routine. Rarely, people are allergic to adhesive tape, however we use a hypoallergenic brand, and can also bandage differently if this is still a problem.
Also, please let us know if you have ever suffered postural hypotension (light headedness), or become faint from needles/injections (vasovagal syncope).
Also, please let us know if you have ever suffered postural hypotension (light headedness), or become faint from needles/injections (vasovagal syncope).
Also, please let us know if you have ever suffered postural hypotension (light headedness), or become faint from needles/injections (vasovagal syncope).
Also, please let us know if you have ever suffered postural hypotension (light headedness), or become faint from needles/injections (vasovagal syncope).