Ingrown Toenails


An Ingrown Toenail (Onychocrytosis), occurs when the edge of the nail grows into the surrounding skin (sulci) of the toe. Causing swelling and redness, then pain and then infection if left untreated. Unfortunately, in a lot of cases, once these start, they are hard to prevent from coming back. However, we have some maintenance solutions and also permanent treatment solutions to prevent them impacting your life.


Commonly caused by a mixture of trauma and genetic nail shape. Some people are more predisposed to having ingrown toenails due to the shape of the nail and/or toe.

However, they can also be caused by improperly cutting the nail, trauma (kicking, dropping something on it, hiking etc), fungal infections.

Symptoms:  Redness, Swelling, Pain

Risks if left untreated: 

Infection – surrounding skin may become infected leading to cellulitis or abscess formation.

Chronic Pain – Persistent discomfort impairing mobility and quality of life.

Complications in Diabetics: Increased risk of serious infections including ulcers and bone infection (osteomyelitis) and amputation.

What Appointment to book:

New Patients: Initial Consultation

Returning Patients: Advanced Therapies

Effective Treatments we offer:

Conservative Treatment – Regular 4-6 week treatments where we maintain the nail from piercing the skin.

Footwear modification

Activity modification


Advanced Nail Resection – Using local anaesthetic, we numb the toe and carry out a deep resection of the nail, to increase chances of preventing reoccurrence.

Nail Surgery – An advanced treatment, where the painful section of nail is removed permanently to prevent further occurrences, under local anaesthetic.

Consultation Prices

Condition Stage Photo Resolution Time Notes

3 days to 14 days

Conservative treatment can resolve early stage ingrown toenails, recovery lengthened if infection present.

7-14 days
Depending on the treatment chosen, this can be resolved.

6 –12 weeks
Chronic onychocryptosis requires nail surgery or very regular conservative treatment. The healing time of Nail surgeyr depends on the individual’s health and how they good their own self post operative care is.